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No.048 Dipterus
Rarity  RarityRarityRarityRarity2Rarity2Rarity2
Vitality A Fertility B
Evolution D Adaptation C
Trophic LV B Size A
Coelacanthus that adapted to fresh water. It appeared after spreading through rivers and congregating in wide lakes.
Height icon Height River
Temp icon Birth Temp. 28°C ~ 34°C
Temp icon Adaptation Temp. 18°C ~ 44°C

Dipterus is one of the organisms in Birthdays the Beginning.

Birth Requirements[ | ]

Dipterus requires a large number of Coelacanthus to be present before it appears. As with most freshwater species, it can be a bit finicky about appearing, even when its conditions are met, but generally after ~200,000 Coelacanthus are maintained it will appear eventually.

Evolution Relations[ | ]

No.046 Coelacanthus
Mutated from; ~200,000 Need to be around for Dipterus to appear.

Sources:[ | ]


No.047 Accoelacanth Organisms No.049 Ichthyostega